LPL老外怎么说:LGD为什么不早点开始努力训练? 似乎是特训起到了作用,也许是保级赛的危机让LGD从沉沦中觉醒。在昨天的比赛之中,LGD以迅雷之势2:0拿下了IG,让许多LGD的粉丝惊呼那个LGD终于回来了。而势头正盛的OMG则是让一追二拿下SS,巩固了自己在排行榜上的名次。 GodV promoted to GodIV 黄金5变成黄金4了 LGD manager said they've finally trained hard this week。 Why not do it earlier so we can avoid the relegation T.T。 LGD的经理说他们这周终于努力训练,为什么不早些时候就这么做,这样就能够避免降级了。 just when I give up watching their sad games。。。 they win? wtf, LGD。。。 当我放弃看到他们令人遗憾的的游戏,他们赢了吗?WTF,LGD! The battle of who's in the worse elo hell, imp or RooKie。 谁才是在地狱战斗的人,Imp还是Rookie。 wat? Imp looks horrible and has been that way for a year now, and godV straight up dumpstered Rookie 什么?Imp看起来非常可怕,已经这样一年了,现在和韦神真的不如Rookie。 OMG 2:1 SS Yay OMG is now locked into 2nd place in group A behind RNG 呀,现在OMG锁定了第二,在RNG后面。 Jhin does way too much damage late gam武汉到哪间医院治癫痫e man, holy shit those crits! Felt like Snake felt too passive Jhin确实后期太可怕了,那些恐怖的爆击,我觉得蛇队太被动了。儿童癫痫病trong> Wait, I've not watched any lpl for a while。 Wtf is Krys4al playing support for? 等等,我一段时间没看LPL了,为什么Krys4al开始打辅助了。 Not even upset that Snake lost, at least Sofm was playing like a God。 即使伤心,蛇队消失了,无论如何还有像上帝一样的Sofm。 I think it's done based on game times rather than head to head, although it doesn't really matter anymore 我认为这是基于游戏时间而不是正面交手,虽然他已经不重要了。 如今LPL的格局已经基本确定,该保级的人也该开始保级,该准备季后赛的也差不多可以开始准备了。这一次的春季赛从一开始就显得扑所迷离,很让人惊讶的莫过于WE、OMG和IG这三支老牌队伍。铁杵成针,卧薪尝胆之后的结果可能正是如此。也许不久之后,这三支队伍能够回到世界之巅,回复昔日的荣光。 |